Archive for the ‘welcome’ Category

Welcome, Take 2

June 26, 2007

I said in my introductory post that I was thinking of this blog as a sort of discipline. Some discipline, eh? It’s a good thing I disavowed any obligation to the real or hypothetical reader right from the start. So let’s just say that my three posts on the Tridium were practice, and now I’ll try starting this for real. After all, having graduated from divinity school and not yet found any more profitable means of occupying my time, it’s not like I have much else to do. So, I promise a substantive post withing 3 hours. Welcome (back) to my blog.

“And are we yet alive?”

April 6, 2007

Grace, peace, and the like.

Welcome, whoever you are, to Wesley’s Parochial Newsletter. The title is, of course, an allusion to John Wesley’s statement, “The world is my parish.” I have no idea what the context of that statement was, but I’ve always liked it. I was going to start this blog after Easter, but I got bored at work today and the mood struck me, so why not begin on Good Friday. After all, I conceive of this blog as a sort of discipline. If all goes well, I’ll be updating three or four times a week. The updates will hopefully be short, informal, semi-thoughtful essay type things. By that I mean that I won’t be posting about much about my life or my reactions to various things that happen throughout the day. I have a livejournal for that (if I don’t actually know you, don’t bother asking for my username. It’s mostly friends only, and with very few exceptions, I only friend people I know). On the other hand, don’t come here expecting publishable work, or work that I’d cut an paste into a paper to hand in. I’ll try not to say stuff that’s just stupid, or that I wouldn’t want traced back to me (if someone bothered), but in what I post here, I don’t consider myself to have much of a responsibility to the (at this point, potential) reader, to society, or really to anyone, except of course to God. This is mainly a forum for my own expression. It would delight me if whatever I express on here were edifying to readers, but if you ever claim I have an obligation to explain or retract something or whatever, I’ll laugh at you. It’s just a blog. Of course, I am not unmindful of our Lord’s statement about “every thoughtless utterance” (Mt 12:36), but hey, it’s Good Friday. He has bigger problems.

Welcome to my blog. Actual posts forthcoming.